Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Oh yuck

The garbage disposal just broke. I was going thru our refrigerator and getting rid of old food... and now its broke. Its SO gross... I was trying to get rid of some old spagetti and it basically looks like somebody threw up in our kitchen sink. The worst part is... theres nothing I can do... so the apartment is starting to stink. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Kevin is out doing something with college students and won't be back til late tonight.... THIS IS SO GROSS.

On a different note, my brother Josh begins his five week stay with us tomorrow. The only thing I've really done to prepare is go thru our food and try to plan a grocery list for a growing 15 year old. Kevin will basically be hanging out with Josh full time, since I'll be at work for most of the day... so we are hoping they will find lots of volunteer like stuff to do so they don't get too bored or too tired of each other. I'll keep you updated.

Also... I finally passed the LEED exam... that environmental design one I've been talking about forever. Its finally over. I stress myself out way too much... when I got my results (you get them right after you finish b/c its all computerized) instead of leaping for joy I almost wanted to cry. I really did think there was a good chance I wouldn't pass... and so I was just relieved.

And now I'm going to walk back over to the kitchen and just hope that some miracle happened and its all made its way down the drain. SO GROSS.

1 comment:

justinO said...


My disposal broke over the weekend!! Justin was out of town and I had to leave it til Monday! For me it was potato peels! And yes it was SO GROSS! I hope Josh has an awesome time! And Congratulations on passing the LEED.
