Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How would this really work?

In an attempt to answer this question, I am trying to recruit people to test out a simplified version of the Shared Pain bands described earlier. Volunteers are given two simple bands (no electronics) to test out sending pain updates to a chosen friend or relative using existing technology such as a cell phone or computer. The band would simply act as a reminder (in this case). Please see the photo below for more information. If you would like to participate, please let me know ASAP. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pain in color, word and image

These images are based off a discussion I've been having with the Heroes of Healing online community. I posted the questions - what color is your pain? If you could visualize it at its most intense moment, what would you see? What words or phrases would you use to describe this color experience?

And this is what people said...

Friday, March 04, 2011

Design Research: Do you have chronic pain?

In an attempt to recruit people with chronic pain for my research, I created this sign and posted it at pain clinics throughout the East Bay and San Francisco.

Thank you to all those who responded and participated! Your stories helped me understand how people experience chronic pain and how this affects your everyday life.

In order to understand what your experience is in a visual way, we completed the following exercises:

Again, thank you to all who participated!

My research is ongoing, so if you or any one you know are still interested in sharing your story and experiences with me through the above exercises, please let me know!