Saturday, September 05, 2009

You are quite eloquent.

Last week, upon introducing myself to my studio professor and explaining why I am here in grad school... he simply raised his eyebrows, looked down at his notebook, and said "You are quite eloquent."

Today, I looked up the word in the dictionary - though I know exactly what it means I was looking for some hidden meaning...

Here is a little blurb from
Eloquent, fluent, articulate, expressive are adjectives that characterize speech or speakers notable for their effectiveness. Eloquent suggests clarity and power.

Clarity and power.

Love it.

Unfortunately, it took four years of thought to express those four sentences to my professor. If only I could be eloquent with less time!

1 comment:

californiameaghan said...

hey nikki! we are getting our house set up. it will be all ready whenever you guys decide to come visit! we aren't getting the k-state game on tv but football has been on alllll day... :D