Thursday, September 23, 2010

One Week Thesis

Had to pretend our entire thesis was due in one week's time so I threw together a fun and slightly crazy called "A Brief History of the Fear Pheromone."

Please comment - I won't take it personal. It was an exercise - I tried designing a sci-fi future in 2033.

What do you think? How does this short video (1.5 minutes long) make you feel?


Phil said...

You know i love this.

lgraves said...

i want to know more. i wished the video was 1 hour and 38 minutes instead of 1 minute 38 seconds.

Melany said...

I think you are amazing for thinking this stuff up :) You are gonna have an awesome project!

J and E said...

This has really spurred on a lot of thoughts for me. The idea of "fear" and of government intervention of emotions. I loved your concept of "fear" being contagious and becoming a threat to national security. I loved your symbolism and the meaning behind it. You are so creative!!

jill m said...

fear is contagious! the fear pheromone! love it! can't wait until you have 9 months instead of 9 days!