Sunday, January 18, 2009

I won. We won.

Every time I repeat the words, it sends a bolt of energy and excitement through me. Even now, three days later, I keep saying it, in an effort to remind myself that it is actually true. I've never won anything in the design world... until now.

A glimpse at the email:
"We’d like to congratulate you as the first place winner of the Discarded Dreams Mattress Design Competition! We’re very excited about Helix and the potential your design holds for being a marketable product for recycled mattress components."

I won. We won.

So lucky :)

The awards reception is this upcoming Thursday night. Unfortunately we were planning to still be in DC. We are considering sending me home a day earlier to attend... maybe I just need to make sure it really is true. I feel torn... to go or not to go?

The crazy thing is, Helix is nothing fancy. It is simple, practical, straight to the point. And apparently, it might work.


Here is an article that explains more about how the competition was developed and what they were looking for.


Amanda said...

Yah, Nikki! You are so creative and talented it is no surprise to me at all that you won. Congrats!

annaO said...

Congratulations Nikki!! I'm not surprised you won either.

lgraves said...

nik - woohooooooooooooooooooooohoooohooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! way to go my talented friend! i agree with annaO & Amanda - this doesn't surprise me at all!

Marie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! How cool that you won something that you used your talent and creativity for; something that you can be proud of, not just a sweepstakes or giveaway. You rock!

lgraves said...

so whats your reward? you totally need to celebrate! i think you should go to the ceremony.

Josh said...

ummm thats amazing! congratulations, i'm so excited/proud of you!