Tuesday, December 23, 2008

borderline obsession

Ever since KV and I saw Twilight last weekend, I can't get it out of my head. Maybe it's the melodrama or the cheesy acting - but for whatever reason, I can't wait to see it again. The movie was barely violent, which I really appreciated, and it seemed to focus more on the relational aspects of vampires than what they actually eat. I've never been a fan of vampires or wolves and all that, but now I'm determined to read the book and see what else I missed.

Maybe I'm just crazy or maybe this is some weird subconscious way of dealing with some of the stress of grad school applications and fast track projects at work but I love it!


Marie said...

Nikki that's great. I have a feeling that the same thing would happen to me if I saw the movie. In fact, I know it would.

californiameaghan said...

i cannot watch the movie because i relly feel the need to brush robert pattinson's hair (on a side note he recently buzzed it and i am very happy) but i loved these books. i keep re-reading them.

niKnox said...

thanks - you both make me feel better about myself and my crazy infatuation with it. I read the first two books - twice. LOVE IT!