Thursday, June 14, 2007

Goodbye LA... hello San Fran??

See here.

There is some talk going on... we could be in San Fran by September. More details to follow.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Angst: the language of April (although it's June now)

I need to make a commitment. This is where I am. This is where I chose to be. Make a commitment and stick to it. Do the best I can do here. I can doubt and question my decision or wish I was somewhere else... but neither of those things change reality- they just give me a negative attitude about it. If the present is not good enough, when will the future ever be? I'm afraid I've created unhealthy patterns of survival. If I let my doubts, my fears control my perspective than I am doomed to be be stuck in a disappointing cycle of unmet expectations and dreams that move further away.

Can I trust Him? Can I believe that He has me here for a purpose, for a meaning, for a mission, that will impact the world and make a difference in His movement? Can I trust Him when the world around me tells me to give up my dreams and adjust to the boredom of reality? Can I trust Him when they laugh when I talk about what might be possible and what I hope for? Can I believe it is really possible to live fully and freely despite the fact that most of those around me are already dead?

The words "you are a stranger" come to mind... and I remember their truth, but yet still, so much of me just longs to belong, to be one of them, even if I know it will all mean nothing in the end. I live torn between two worlds, two ways, two lives that are impossibly intertwined and interconnected. Sometimes I forget which is which. The world or You... you both speak so loudly to me... I want to cover my ears because I feel so easily overwhelmed but then I know that will blot out Your voice as well... so I keep trying to listen. I wander, almost lost, between all the noise, and at some moments, it overtakes me and the anxiety covers my heart like a fishing net I can't escape from.

I try to remind myself that hearing is a blessing, a gift. And sometimes, Your Voice blocks out all the others and I can hear Your peace. Sometimes I can sit in the midst of the crowded places and feel the stillness of Your presence. Sometimes, I can hear Your voice among all the others, but I know which one is Yours and so my two worlds are aligned; I don't need to escape one to reach the other. Those moments are the best.